About Me
Welcome! My name is Treloar Hocking and I’m excited you are here. A native of Seattle Washington, I grew up loving the outdoors and competitive sports. It wasn’t until I moved to Germany at 20, that I realized my love for travel, which allows me to learn about new cultures and what makes people unique. My curiosity and enthusiasm always put me in leadership roles in the work force and it's there that I realized I loved to teach, sharing knowledge and experience with others...

Specializing in Personal Transformation
Life Coaching
People come to coaching for many reasons but utlimately they want something to be different. Whether it's better health, happier relationships or a new career, a person may not understand how to achieve tangilbe results. Effective coaches use a combination of developmental and performance techniques but it's in deep listening and asking powerful questions that we understand truly what vision to hold for them...
Ayurveda is a consciousness-based system of healing. The word Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayus, meaning life, and veda, meaning wisdom. Listening to the body and making more conscious choices is the basis of Ayurveda which can lead to vitality, happiness and fulfilled purpose in life. When a person's unique mind body constitution is understood, balance and health can be consistently obtained. I offer a QUIZ to help you understand your personal mind body constitution...
Reiki Healing
Reiki can be a great form of relaxation, stress reduction and a symptom reliever. Many use Reiki to better their overall health and well being. I came to Reiki to heal an anxiety disorder and my life will never be the same. I ended up healing many aspects of my life. Aside from the anxiety, through mental and emotional healing, I changed behavior patterns, relationships and life situations resulting in a happier, calmer me...
Meditation techniques are designed to temporarily interrupt our endless internal thoughts allowing us to shift into a calmer state of being. Each of us handles the stress of life differently but the mind and body still interpret it as the fight or flight biological response. Meditation corrects this response by creating a state of restful awareness resulting in a sense of renewal and ease in both body and mind...
Yoga is a philosophy and way of life. It originated 5,000 years ago in India as a way to know all parts of yourself so your life is balanced. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit which means to unite or yoke together. When your physical, intellectual and spiritual selves are working together in union one can experience self compassion and awareness. This union can then lead to calmness, clarity, sense of wellbeing, enthusiasm towards life, and peace of mind. In a nutshell, yoga brings mind, body and spirit into harmony...